In conjunction with the great global promotion of support for homosexuality; Al-Eslah for Family Guidance at AI- Eslah Society conducted a number of awareness-raising activities for members of the community, including a group counseling session entitled “Our Children and the Square of Evil”, presented by Professor Muhammad Hajji, a clinical psychologist, via Zoom. The session included talking about the square of evil, the definition of homosexuality and its history, then the reasons that led to the spread of this phenomenon, and finally the methods of treatment.
Aleslah for Family guidance of Aleslah Society in cooperation with Kaaf humanitarian organized the association and in the presence of nearly 150 of men and women participate in two qualifying sessions for those who are about to marry, on Friday and S...
Aleslah For Family guidance at AIeslah continues to communicate with the public through a series of direct interviews through the live broadcast service on his Instagram account @eslahershad, through which he hosts a group of trainers and distinguish...
In order to communicate with the public while they are staying at home, given the current conditions, "eslah ershad" has organized live family broadcasts on topics of concern to the family through his Instagram account @eslahershad. Where Mr. Khaled ...